Wake up delegates! Time is running 

Ishita NYT

The minimum wage debate delegates were showing no signs of enthusiasm to raise motions at first, but as promise started being shown, they let us down again. Some delegates have not clearly understood the study guides, and are reading the study guide word to word on the spot.Other delegates are baffled after being asked a simple economic question about what type of market are they mentioning. Chairs as well seem to have some confusion here and there, and there is no enforcement of using correct terms, as the press has noticed the usage of “I” and “my” quite a lot. Delegates are being forced to speak. With certain delegates leaving the discord call after having no points. After asking the delegate representing firms against the agenda a simple question about how they are denying the keynesian theory, the answer was quite unsatisfactory , as they replied with the fact that they use credible sources. The delegates are not understanding what is being asked even though it is being fed to them. With this being the fourth committee session, the new york times fails to see how a conclusion will be reached.


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