BREXIT battery running low - press on delegates!

By: Ivannah Jacob

Brexit is down to 4 delegates, with the delegate representing the workers of UK and EU

businesses absent this session. Though some delegates such as the delegate of Workers EU

seem to be a bit confused and lost, most delegates seem to be well informed, however the

shortage of delegates is making the debate “inactive.” The UK government seems to have come

prepared with valuable points and has taken much initiative in raising moderated caucuses.

When discussing how the UK’s role as an international power has changed due to Brexit, the

delegate discussed how being free from the EU has allowed the UK to pursue 63 new trade

deals with external powers. The EU government rebutted this by bringing up another pressing

fact: is the amount of influence the UK has lost in Europe worth the trade it has gained? The

delegate representing UK businesses also seemed to be quite active; asking POIs and not

letting his fellow delegates get away with anything. Xinhua would like to encourage the Brexit

debate to press on!


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