
 Problems with press Vivek, CNA After CNA held a press conference in the committee for business stakeholders, the delegate for the government was questioned on her changing stance. She responded with “No comment”, which suggests she still doesn’t know her true stance. When questioned about it, she responded with “We wish to comply with the needs of all stakeholders”. When probed further, she said that the customers were the most important stakeholder, which highlights the fact that her stance still may not be fixed, and with an hour of debate left, CNA doesn’t know what the end result will be. Buckle up, delegate! You have an hour left to redeem yourself!
 A new circus in Business Vivek, CNA The new unmod at Business stakeholders is even funnier than the last. With more shouting than actual debate, here are some of the best quotes CNA could find: “Government you’re gonna force them to take a loan” “If you fire [employees] they become the community” “No one heard you because no one likes you anyways” “If you don’t like me I’ll die” “We care about getting mass” “We’ll fire em all I don’t care” “Are you deaf? Pay attention!” It seems like the delegates at Business Stakeholders care more about personal relationships rather than focusing on the topic at hand. Delegates keep shouting over one another, with all 6 delegates talking at once for most of the unmod. Delegates don’t seem to listen to their fellow delegates.  The chairs have finally had to intervene to steer the committee on the right path. Are the delegates really interested in the welfare of the committee?
 Still much to be clarified in the business debate By: Ivannah Jacob The unmoderated caucus in the business debate was nothing short of a shouting match! All delegates seemed to be talking over each other with some delegates having to resort to asking other delegates to “shut up” to get their points across! The delegate representing the Government was often overpowered by other more vocal delegates, so at the press conference, Xinhua gave her a chance to clarify her stance which was well articulated. Additionally, the press posed the question of which stakeholder the delegates believed was the most vital to a firm. The responses varied from delegate to delegate so it seems that they are still discussing this topic. The delegates were also questioned about their suggestions “to print more money” however, when asked about what impact this would have on inflation, delegates remained silent. Nevertheless, Xinhua hopes that as the debate draws to a close such stances will be clarified o...
  Singapore chairs learned nothing Yajush NYT In an earlier article, NYT talked about some thick-headed chairs in the Singapore parliament. Clearly, these chairs have learnt nothing and have no respect for decorum in a conference. The deputy chair specifically was described as rude by an anonymous source. Moreover, he was extremely rude towards the workers’ party MP. The delegate had a point that didn’t make much sense but rather than explain calmly the chair scoffed at him and explained in a brash condescending tone. He stated that all media should be “burned at the stake. He confused the names of two delegates and rather than acknowledge his mistake he told the delegates to “change their names”. Clearly, the chairs have learnt nothing. Rather than spending time roasting the media or their own delegates, they should spend time focusing on their own committee. Perhaps then they wouldn’t make so many mistakes like forgetting members of a moderated caucus.
  RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL DELEGATE The offensive screenshot attached below shows the impolite and hostile nature of an anonymous delegate as they display their struggles towards being stumped in the press conference in their respective class group. The delegate used such horrible language that it had to be censored!! This behavior has shocked the press!! The delegate should have come prepared instead of blaming their ineptitude on the press conference for asking questions, which is what is meant to happen in a press conference!! The delegate whines and complains about having to, "THINK SO MUCH" which sounds like utter nonsense to this press-member because if this delegate signs up for a debate they should be prepared to think on their feet!! Hopefully, this experience teaches this delegate thinking skills and some manners!! Bhavna Gopalan (NYT)
 MINIMUM WAGE DELEGATES HITTING SNOOZE BUTTON? Ishita NYT The New York times has received anonymous tips, and it is definitely worthwhile.  A delegate in the minimum wage debate was caught sending a picture of them playing minecraft during the debate to their friend. Delegates were also seen looking at their phones openly and laughing. Messages sent to the press show delegates of the debate also sharing their opinion with the press, as they feel delegates are unprepared and doing the debate just for the sake of it. The press also had a delegate directly send them so called pick up lines, as they felt it would be more entertaining. Despite the alarms given by press, the debate is still making us sleep by acting in the same way(and their fellow delegates, as they were caught yawning). Delegates, be wary and please focus.
 Wake up delegates! Time is running  Ishita NYT The minimum wage debate delegates were showing no signs of enthusiasm to raise motions at first, but as promise started being shown, they let us down again. Some delegates have not clearly understood the study guides, and are reading the study guide word to word on the spot.Other delegates are baffled after being asked a simple economic question about what type of market are they mentioning. Chairs as well seem to have some confusion here and there, and there is no enforcement of using correct terms, as the press has noticed the usage of “I” and “my” quite a lot. Delegates are being forced to speak. With certain delegates leaving the discord call after having no points. After asking the delegate representing firms against the agenda a simple question about how they are denying the keynesian theory, the answer was quite unsatisfactory , as they replied with the fact that they use credible sources. The delegates are not understandi...